Site Visit to BASF Petronas

ooo..wake up 4am, starts journey from store 515am, reach BASF Chemical Petronas Gebeng, Kuantan about 930am... Finished site visit at 1030am.. And back to Subang around 3pm ++

can say i din have not enough sleep and i'm really tired after the site visit. ;(

[ahh.. quite proud to be acknowledged as 'contractor'.... haha]

without any surprise, that chemical plant very emphasize on the safety. My geologist and I were being brifed about some basic safety rules that must obey in the plant by watching video in the security guard pondok..@@ When in the plant, even tough i feel quite safe, but still everybody must wear full jacket and protective glass. Memang top lah safety kat sana.. What i'm briefed is that they practive fire drill every thursay 12pm!! 

A little bit info on the site visit:
Aim: Site survey
Test to be taken: 2 Bore-logging to a depth of 40m.

We went there to understand the site condition and to go back office to report for the company to prepare a tender for the project. If not mistaken, only 2 company including PacGeo is being ivited to do the bore-logging. 

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