I gotta thanks him

Ahmad Wafiq.... He's my classmate.
He likes Japanese Anime..
and i do watch it with him when i need some rest out of the daily routine.

Japanese anime has always been known for the moral values deep found in it. You learn alot through Japanese animation.. it does the same when it is the Japanese drama.

There is many happenings in Japanese Drama packed full with moral learning material in it. When you sit back and think for a while. You can learn a lot from it.

One of the phrase i remembered from one of those japanese anime:
"The judge is always right~!!"

I got my computer appreciation test paper back yesterday. It's a paper i strongly believe i can do much better than other people.

The results happend THE OTHER WAY...

My marks was 24/30....
yeah... It should be counted very high for the subject.. when actually everyone thought this subject is the killer subject~! A subject that everyone may fail it.

yiaaahh... I did mention that 'it's a paper i strongly believe i can do much better than other people. '........

simply because i find it really hard but i did mastered the subject as i have been preparing much for it. I studied it many times.. repeatedly.. I was kinda fed up as the notes given is so indirectly explained. (many ppl dono what is it all about as well)

and again.. I did mention that 'it's a paper i strongly believe i can do much better than other people. '........

cuz i have eventually come to a moment that i have mastered it.. after repeatedly reading... doing research... for days... I made it.. so i was confident... about : it's a paper that i strongly believe i can do much better than other people. '........

It happened the other way.....
My lecturer was kinda....ormm...I'm just speechless about the way he marks our test paper.
The way he marks:
1. Test with many words written and neatly written... can easily get 25 and above~!
(proof 1: My friend who herself found out that she has actually wrong one queastion which she is supposed to get 25 or much more less..she get full marks~! for a reason that her hand writing is neat. The lecturer likes her writing. And she does writes a lot.. So ..The lecture gave marks for many points given~!)

2. My lecturer looking at my paper...oo...24 marks. He said this: i cant read your hand writing.
well then~ why did u give me so high marks.....?
I felt like crying...
3. I went to his office today with many other classmates... He raised all the students' marks for no reason~! He raised the marks for those students who went and see him~! Damma shock sendiri....~! I was really speechless sawing all those

4. He raised my marks... 24 became 26... He looked at my test paper again....and just simply turn to a page...then make a small circle...and then with some ticks... He raised 2 marks for me.
He did this to many others.

I'm really speechless for having him who is my lecturer... I think he is doing this for some reason..~? i dono.... He is a phD holder.. graduated from India. He is now a Indian muslim living permanently in Malaysia.

Thinking back....
"The judge is always right~!!"

I have to accept this..... I should find something to be learned from here.
He is right after all. He is daring to risk his job marking students' paper just like that.
Well... Think positively..
I should have nice hand writing.. (Dont laugh at me...I will imporve my hand writing.)
"The judge is always right~!!"

thanks to ahmad wafiq who showed me that anime..

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