

It's after 10 liao.. haha

seldom do this here in UMP.

and i feel that.. 我似乎失去了些气氛。。。。missing feeling in my soul..

after all the test... I have my mind fresh~~ Totally fresh..~!


真找着在这失去的气氛~~ 新年气氛~~!!

ahaha.... A CNY song came to my mind....


财神到, 财神到, 好心得好报
财神话, 财神话, 揾钱依正路
财神到, 财神到, 好走快两步
得到佢睇起你, 你有前途


yay~~ looking for CNY song...wanna burst my uni hostel with all kind of CNY song~~

wanna play my phone with loudspeaker with all kind of CNY song..


i'm sorry for a such pathetic me...

i'm really pathetic..

but dun stop me please... i'm feeling really relax after all the test..

looking for some 气氛。。。。which i should have~!

no matter what.... i'll not let such a feeling go away...

never felt like that b4... it's like from zero feeling towards....boom...the summit point of it~~

wa~~ i have to keep this feeling.. YaY~


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