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Site Visit to BASF Petronas

ooo..wake up 4am, starts journey from store 515am, reach BASF Chemical Petronas Gebeng, Kuantan about 930am... Finished site visit at 1030am.. And back to Subang around 3pm ++

can say i din have not enough sleep and i'm really tired after the site visit. ;(

[ahh.. quite proud to be acknowledged as 'contractor'.... haha]

without any surprise, that chemical plant very emphasize on the safety. My geologist and I were being brifed about some basic safety rules that must obey in the plant by watching video in the security guard pondok..@@ When in the plant, even tough i feel quite safe, but still everybody must wear full jacket and protective glass. Memang top lah safety kat sana.. What i'm briefed is that they practive fire drill every thursay 12pm!! 

A little bit info on the site visit:
Aim: Site survey
Test to be taken: 2 Bore-logging to a depth of 40m.

We went there to understand the site condition and to go back office to report for the company to prepare a tender for the project. If not mistaken, only 2 company including PacGeo is being ivited to do the bore-logging. 
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My Senior Geologist: 29Years Old, Master Degree with 9 years experience

There is new staff entering Pacific Geo after 2 weeks I have started my training, he is Faris. This is his introduction to me at the beginning:
29 years old, Master Degree qualified for geology, 9 years experience!! which means started work seens 20 years old. How about Bachelor Degree?? He explained that he took PJJ(Pelajaran Jarak Jauh- Distance Learning Program), weekdays go work, weekend attend class. As i heard all this, I'm truly admire him with all the results..

I started to think of taking PJJ, as I'm the kind who is always wanted to be in front of the others. Just like the training at PacGeo. I have no classmates thought of going practical training.. All what they did is just going to some part time work and get their pocket full filled with cash. I didnt mind that my practical training wages now is only RM500. What is more important is, I have sufficient experience to be an engineer as soon as possible. This world is all about competition. All graduates at the same time, what makes you different is what you have extra. I believe my good grades of GPA being top among all classmates is not sufficient.. I am certainly lack of real life experience.. 
And so.. PJJ seems to be another idea of having more experience by the time I get my Bachelor Degree..What's in my mind is: TO be a Professional Engineer(IR) as soon as possible. And to be this, both experience and degree is important!!

emm.. Today I met Faris's friend, a ex-classmates of Faris during the Bachelor Degree program periods.. He told me, Faris did not take PJJ!!
OkOK... All are lies...  Faris may not even have Master Degree dy!!! Not even 9 years experience as he mentioned to me!!

Ok... I felt err.... no more respect dy la... 
PJJ??? Does it even exist? I dun think it's a good way for me to go.. I dont want it. PJJ cant give me sufficient knowledge about Civil Engineering especially I wanted to be in the designing field, not to be contractor!!

Finally I have make myself clear.. Go for full time Bachelor Degree, meanwhile, get as much real life experience as possible.   

APA la.. what about your girlfriend? I duno dy....I love her... since I first met her during camp. But i told her differently.. Since then, she seldom msg me anymore.. She even advised me to stop.. my heart broken?? not yet..  still... I love her. 
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Resistivity(2D) Test @ Kampung Bharu, KL

wow... the reason for having the test at the site is quite scary... cant imagine la if this happen in front of my house:

::The manhole is sinked!!!... according to the residents staying there, the feaces will flow out from the Indah Water manhole.. ehemm....ewwww.. Yes!! it's definitely smelly lo. luckily while we doing the site, it wasnt raining period dy...hehe::

 :::setting up the apparatus and device that detect the resistance under ground.:::
 :::ooh... There is people raring duckling.. hmm.. they are not scare of me! but i got no food for you ducklings.. hehe;D:::
 :::My colleague, Wan.. I think he looks like the snow white's 7 dwarf... haha:::
 :::wa~ KL high rise building view from the Kg Bharu.:::

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Plate Bearing Test @ New LCCT

The first site I went to learn and do soil testing, PBT at the New LCCT at KLIA.

Plate Bearing Test:
Objective: to test the temporary settlement of the soil, usually on the newly filled land, car park area, plane landing area, etc.

Failure of the test: settlement of the ground should not over 50mm for a required pressure.
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Pressuremeter Test @ Jalan Duta

A location that I have once be team leader for temporary.. since all the pro one not free... haha.. got a chance to be team leader for a test, simply picked a technician to help me too. ;D
 [Borehole Drilling machine to do boring, SPT, getting N-value and we need this machine to do transfer PMT equipment to the bottom to do test]
[We (Pacific Geo) are the sub-contractor, the main contractor, Maxi Mekar didnt have the PMT equipment and professionalism, they needed us to do PMT, on the other side, they do their boring an SPT]
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Pressuremeter Test @ Pantai Dalam

Oh yes!! New project area at Pantai Dalam, Pressuremeter Test.
[oopsiee.. I'm going to do PMT at the sewage damn??! cant accept lo.. it's quite smelly there lo..><]
The future development: Sewage damn to be covered and a sport complex/leisure compound to be build on it.

[Our company's job scope at the site is to do PMT at borehole that has found rock layer(the soil layer(soft) is being tendered to the another company using different PMT device), so.. whenever they dig dig dig sampai dapat rock layer, we have to go to the site and conduct PMT. ;D]
[aiya.... see the cut at the black rubber membrane at the above pic? looks like the rock layer is a fractured kind and thus caused the damage on the membrane. Made our company rugi about 350 USD for the membrane and need 1 month duration for ordering that. . well.. that membrane is not just simple rubber but beneath it there are quite some sensitive mechanism to track the pressure and the radius of the membrane during test, that's why it's not cheap lo]
[hehe.. extra: I drove this truck to Jalan Duta and conducted PMT myself and being a team leader for the first time!!! guiding a technician to help me along.. wa.. proud proud. ;D I have even know about the processind data and creating out the graph for the result. ;D looks like I have done enough on PMT and should move on for different test, must grab time to learn as much as I can before the end of training lo. ;Dhehe]

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