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Pressuremeter Test @ Jalan Duta

A location that I have once be team leader for temporary.. since all the pro one not free... haha.. got a chance to be team leader for a test, simply picked a technician to help me too. ;D
 [Borehole Drilling machine to do boring, SPT, getting N-value and we need this machine to do transfer PMT equipment to the bottom to do test]
[We (Pacific Geo) are the sub-contractor, the main contractor, Maxi Mekar didnt have the PMT equipment and professionalism, they needed us to do PMT, on the other side, they do their boring an SPT]
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Pressuremeter Test @ Pantai Dalam

Oh yes!! New project area at Pantai Dalam, Pressuremeter Test.
[oopsiee.. I'm going to do PMT at the sewage damn??! cant accept lo.. it's quite smelly there lo..><]
The future development: Sewage damn to be covered and a sport complex/leisure compound to be build on it.

[Our company's job scope at the site is to do PMT at borehole that has found rock layer(the soil layer(soft) is being tendered to the another company using different PMT device), so.. whenever they dig dig dig sampai dapat rock layer, we have to go to the site and conduct PMT. ;D]
[aiya.... see the cut at the black rubber membrane at the above pic? looks like the rock layer is a fractured kind and thus caused the damage on the membrane. Made our company rugi about 350 USD for the membrane and need 1 month duration for ordering that. . well.. that membrane is not just simple rubber but beneath it there are quite some sensitive mechanism to track the pressure and the radius of the membrane during test, that's why it's not cheap lo]
[hehe.. extra: I drove this truck to Jalan Duta and conducted PMT myself and being a team leader for the first time!!! guiding a technician to help me along.. wa.. proud proud. ;D I have even know about the processind data and creating out the graph for the result. ;D looks like I have done enough on PMT and should move on for different test, must grab time to learn as much as I can before the end of training lo. ;Dhehe]

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Resistivity Project @ Batu Pahat

Good! My 2nd Resistivity Project. 1st was at Kampung Baru, KL with leader Azmi. And now, 2nd at Batu Pahat!! Outstation oo~

Project Title: Resistivity Test (2D - Manual) @Kampung Bindu(Arowana Farm), Batu Pahat.
Accomodation: Hotel @ Lake Garden Hotel for 1st 2 nights, Dragon Hotel for the rest 4 nights.

It's find that the mamak there sell at rather cheap compare to Subang's.. The cheapest is at the Batu Pahat's Town's Food Court. A plate of Nasi Goreng Sotong is only RM3!!... teehee... I forgot to took pic of it..
The best food I eat was the Mee Rebus!! Best! The curry was very very nice.. Others all are normal only la..

ehemm... Nah: Here's some pic of the project's on going..

[recording data using Mc Ohm device to get the data]
[transferring the clip onto next electrode for next data]

Finished project and on the way home at Seremban's Highway:

Thankfully we are all safe. Only the driver is having minor hand injuries. How it occur de o?
The rear wheel drive car got a rear tyre burst.. so it got miss control and start to swirl on the road... and kaboomm!!.. Over turned....

I am so grateful that I'm still alive..Going on a highway and overturned... luckily no 3rd party's car involved in the accident nor the truck being crashed by another car.. If just a simple Kancil crash on it.. I would have suffer major injuries or even worst... phew... So grateful I'm still here and still able to work for tomorrow.

The car how le? A Singapore plated car.... Usually according to Singapore's policy, it should be scrapped... Aiyyhh... So sad la..

[the site area is full of fly lo~.. we used about 8 pcs of the fly pad to trap them..btw.. thousands of fly was caught!]

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Little Macho Musso

The memory of my 3rd test at site: PressureMetre Test.
Today my I follow another team leader: Abang Fadil to KL, Jalan Duta do to Pressure metre test.
I reached the company store, Fadil pass me a car key then say: Nah, u bawa ni.
me: aiyo..kete ni mana boleh pakai? road tax dah expire arr.
Fadil: bawa je.. saman claim company.
me: kenape u xbawa pula?
Fadil: kete ni xde P sticker, I P lesen saja. kena tangkap bawa kete singapore macam ni dan road tax pun dah expire.. masuk mahkamah kena gantung lesen susah nanti o.
me: Fareez(29 years old with 9 years experience and Master degree, today first day work at Pacific), ada lesen kete? boleh bawa?
Fareez: I punye dah expired... and .....dot dot dot..

SO, I had to drive that big muscle car. My first time!!
The PressureMeter Test's apparatus:
this is for recording data purposes.

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A Bad news, with tolerable reason

Oh nononononono.. My informal internship cant be approved. Why? hmm.. It's not that they dont want take the extra procedure to help me to finish my course earlier. In fact, my formal internship is supposed to be 6 months. Dam*!! hahaha... It's very clear that my informal 3months+ training cant be transferred to be a 6 months programme.

aiyh.....but I am still lucky la... If it's 6 months. It will still benefit me. If the formal one is 3 months. I will fight till die to get my informal internship to be approved lo. hahahaha..=D

nonono.. Dont need to force your brain to understand my situation..;D it's quite a long story. just to know the conclusion is enough:

I'm having 'informal internship' at the moment till end of August. Then, around Feb 2012, I will have my formal internship attachment for 6 months. wow.. 6 months training is really long. Hope to get to be trained properly, both site and office experience. Low allowance I wouldnt mind, as a newbie, experience worth more. ;D
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