Paraben Free??

ooh~ I think i'm kind off jakun in this beauty area.
What's Paraben free? I searched throughout the Guardian and only find this product specifying it's Paraben free:- Nutox.

uuh? so what's Paraben? None of them working in the Guardian know about it.
gotta go google search lo~

Paraben is a preservative widely used in cosmetic products, skin care or almost all external applying product you can find in a Pharmacy contain Paraben.

well, this Nutox is Paraben free for a reason: Paraben is carcinogen. It can cause cancer.
when you use a deodorant contained Paraben, the you may get breast cancer.
This is scientifically based as Paraben is found in breast tumour.
wow, but why so many products out there contain Paraben?

So far i dont remember the Pink Ribbon organisation putting effort on on alerting public about this. Well, Paraben is in the ingredients for a simple reason: it's a very good preservatives.

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