My topic today is......

It could be something ridiculous for us to submit a work and be marked by a people whose their professionalism is not recognized. She's a tutor of my English for Technical communication. Oh yeah, it was my first thinking when i was asked to write an essay for her to mark. oo~~.

SO, I'm that kind of people who judge people so easily.. not exactly ba.. this is not what i like to do. If do, i will have ended my life hating everyone in mylife. oops~~

Thankfully, I happened not to be that kind of man. I prefer finding the best site of a person from the worse of it when one really show no good to me. aite... hmmmm....

is't understandable???

In shorts, i hate finding the bad site of a person. no reason why.

o yay~, continue with my essay thingy... I did hope she is able to give good comment on my essay, though i dont really like sitting there think and think to complete an essay.

I tried hard to completed the essay: Life of Hooi Hoover. Hopefully can impressed her the way i could present it to her..ahaha =)

She's a malay. The way she speak in english cant be compare much to those malays in seafield. Yet she is a University tutor.. aite.

I dun how well in her english. cant just judge her by the way she speak ba~~对吗~?

hmm.. wanna look at her ma~? aite... Somehow all the malay students in her class like her so much as well as some of the chineses. I'm neutral towards it. .^^


so this is her... ahaha =)

hmmm.. this is wat i always think....

1. If i find her english level is too low that she cant bring me any benefit going to her class....
then i will always remind myself:

one will still can be able to learn whatever one has the desire to learn regardless any condition.

2. 青出于蓝。。。听过吧~?
I would define it in another way..

It is not neccesary to get a 很棒很棒的师傅 to produce a outstanding 徒弟。。。
.... It would only dependent on how is the way the sifu can guide the apprentice.

In my case, it is not that difficul anyway then~~~. It's is up on me how well i can find what i can learn from her.

I believe in.... there're always things to be learnt from anyone.


haih.. she actually has her master. but would wonder how she actually obtain it and it's from UPM. .Master in teacher of english as a second language.

and... after some research.... It is learnt that many malay techer who's teaching english they have these certificate........ It's really ridiculous. A cert provided to gain the reputation of a teacher for being not looked down at~? But ...seriously, i dun feel she's any better compare to my secondary's english lecturer..And yet, she's a master holder and a Uni tutor.

no racism issue here. it's only on her....dont just be influenced by my words.. It's just a way of thinking.

perhaps she did it on purpose to lower her grade while teaching our class? she looks down on our class then..

I believe in.... there're always things to be learnt from anyone.

I'll get something out from her. ^^
Should be proud of having her as my tutor. There's no way of criticizing what i has. She's a master holder and i'm still nothing compared to her.

welcome comments.. hehe^^

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