My Construction Lab's Project

after a few dicussion with group members and lecturer, we have our concrete bench design done. the criteria for the project is to have at least 300 bricks to be used.

under calculation, the design should used about 280 bricks only. there are some group which have s smaller design than us but under their calculation can reach a no of bricks higher than us.. huhu~ their calculation really bad huh?

ahaha... so~ we purposely put 310 bricks is to be used in our proposal. Nod bad huh? =)

Well, the design is designed using a software using an auto CAD(computer aided design) software known as SOLID EDGE which i get from F1 club when i participated the F1 CO2 powered model car.

You may how come ur uni does not provide u a auto cad software?
=) . the objective of having this construction lab is to learn bricklaying and plastering. we will get the auto cad from uni which is known as 'AUTO CAD' during next semester for our engineering drawing class

ahem~....then.... why do i need to design the bench using an auto cad?
it was indeed the lecturer's idea to get our proposal done more professionally. so, it may be unfair for those group who does not have anybody who know how to use an auto cad software.
开工咯~ after we have excavete the earth up to about 3 inches deep, we start to build a cement base. it took us more about 7 hours to finish up to the situation as on the right pic above. ~do forgive us as newbies having our project progressed so slow. ~hehe

and finally,

~~经过多天的日晒雨淋and have my skin burnt for many times and get tanned, it was definitely an relief ~~ =)

要看看一些其他组的concrete bench project 吗?

I myself do prefer the bench in the upper photo as it is the only bench that is well designed compare to other's group. well done freinds~
hmmm~.. the project bench below seem to be too simple and squarish. not much creativity and simple to be built. hu3.. it was well built anyway. =) a thumb up for them.

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