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Informal internship

I have been an intern at Pacific Geoscience (M) Sdn Bhd since 23/5/2011.

Summary of my internship:

Company : Pacific Gessicence (M) Sdn Bhd
Company Profile : Site Investigation company
Internship Period : 23 May 2011 to 31 August 2011
Topics to be carried out : soil investigation methods

It should be a great experience as it's something that i have yet to learn in my courses. Besides, The boss seems to be really friendly and have even listed out all the test that i should learn from the company during my internship period.

For now, I have been contacting my university's practical training department to request for approving this 'informal internship' to be a formal internship. If this internship is approved, i shall follow the guideline to report to the university and will have my 6th semester's internship brought forward.

hehehe.. then, I shall be the first Diploma student to grad at 5th semester.. while all my classmates are still waiting for their internship. Well, it's not that i am so tricky lo... to be an intern during this holidays is a sudden idea, why cant i make full use of my holiday le?

hmm.. if finish my 5th semester, i will have about 6 months of holidays before continuing my Bachelor degree. Hopefully, I will be able to get a proper 6 months job with my good grade of Diploma Civil Engineering. ;D
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