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at least u wished me~

it was my birthday.... i waited for your wish even before the clock actually strike 0000~~

I duno when u r gonna wish me~~

I duno when u will wish me.... i waited..

Ur wish to me is most appreciated.

the clock strike at 0000~~ My birthday has passed~~

i get ur wish... a wish from the cuttiest little panda~

thank you.... although it was a belated wish. =)

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The 20th Anniversary....SCC 2009

It's the 20th annniversary state cadet camp~ the camp can be considered rather fun~... aite.. dun feeling giving any bad comment on it. Let me find some interesting part of it~

um...~ let's enjoy the photo ba~

~~the road to Kuala Selangor was so curvy... a good place for drifting... ahem ahem..

hehe~ my fellow 'tent mate'...u
m we are all from seafield!!~ o well~ 'tent mate' such term doesnt really suit.... haih.. u noe lar~ we all didnt sleep in tent throughout the camp. Sheng Yao n me did really wanted to sleep in the tent wan lorr~.. but .the city kids...u noe lar.... it was raining ma~ then everyone complain the tent is wet and so the committte allow them to sleep in the class.... then in the end... left us KSTS which only 3 Guy tents to be on the field... aite..plus summore the rumour...or in fact, it's a Japanese graveyard place. So...haih...i'm speechless.. the committe force us all to move to the hall and...zzz

i can only say: camping should sleep in tent de ma~
ahemmm.....summore....it's not like the hall got no mosquitoes.... it was... wow~ really terrified me. killing a mosquito is just kacang putih~.. i repeat~ it's killing!! mosquito's everywhere~!

ahaha~~the guy here...sheng hao... he is young.. but the way he speak is truly mature.
pei fu pei fu~ i mean his voice larr~~duh~~ um.... he's kiddy still.. ahaha..
The girl up there... really seldom find her sitting with a guy aside and have chit chat.. =) She's USJ13' chairperson. hu3.. it was rather interesting to see them chit chating there.. so i took a snap of it. **
The Camp fire~.. the most boring camp fire i have never gone through.. it did not really bring out the meanings of camp fire.. in fact~~ i felt that it was like a ceremony that it must to be have in that camp.. The Camp fire was...let me tell u what was going on that made me feel like that, u'll be totally agree with me.. seriously. alryte..... we went to the empty car park space.. n so.. like usual, we made a big circle. and then they light up the fire~ not much singing.. no dancing. the campers was..waht we did was only wathcing them to light up the fire...and throw some firewoods into that burning hot fire..then? go back to the hall.. Camp fire end~~
Agree ba~? hu3 =) it's just like a ceremony that got to be have in a camp.

Back to the hall~~ we have performance.... KSTS sang 'heal the world'...wanted to continue m. jackson spirit in aiding the world.. KPS... The always 'know how to make 气氛' area...have the most impressive perfomance. They sent out "Sakai" and "zombi" and actually have some 零距离performance with the audience. They went around 'touching' ppl and make those 'oh my god..... dun come near me punye 气氛..' ahaha~~ it was really fun though.. not forgetting mentioning that there was member get scratched by them and got hurt. aiyn aiyn~..

below is the KSU' performance. who got the first prize. well~ KPS was not in the top 3...There were 'tepuk commando' for the 3rd and 2nd place, when KSU was announced to be the champion.... there was really a moment of silence...really potong steam when we all thought KPS was the winner~.. haih.. u can imagine that situation ba~.... no one actaully shouted 'tepuk commando' for them...

no comment~~ KPS's performance did created those atmosphere but the story line wasnt there... the KSU beat them flat on that reason.. perhaps the organizer actually judged the performance on that??

o yeah~~ talking about beating flat..... i terremember about the telematch and the station games..... my team... Germany was really strong that we lost only 2 games.... other games we beat the opponents flat~~ seriously. ahahaha~~=D

Let's take a look at the camp site~~

Welcome our KSTS new member~~ SMK Puchong Jaya(B)... =)

and me and the annoying little junior~~ U understand what i mean larr~~

and a opportunity to have a photo of 3 generations....of Seafield's St. John of~??~ hehe~~

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